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Gender Roadmaps guide

1 min read

In Cambodia there is widespread gender inequality. As a result of deeply entrenched gender norms, women and men are assigned specifi c roles, responsibilities and value, which prevent them from exercising their rights equally. Cambodian women continue to be relegated to a lower status than men, not only in their families and communities, but also in society at large.

Since 2012, Oxfam partners and Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC) have been implementing a model aimed at addressing unequal power relations at the household level in Cambodia called the Gender Road Map (GRM). Through workshops, coaching, counseling and follow-up sessions facilitated by Oxfam partners and GADC, the spouses participating in GRM activities were introduced to alternative ways of communication and interaction in regard to gender roles and relations; they learned that gender was not static but changeable and that they have the power to develop healthier relationships that challenge socially prescribed gender norms. The process of designing the gender road map gives participants the opportunity to analyze and discuss their current family situation, their roles and duties as well as their needs and expectations for the future.

This guidebook is the result of more than two years experience in implementing this model and several months of consultation between Oxfam and GADC and their partners and stakeholders.


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