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Fun for a purpose: examples from Western Uganda (songs and roles plays)

1 min read

Excitement and enthusiasm for change can help to counter strong social norms about how women and men should behave. Creative learning methods like songs, role plays, drama and theatre are part and parcel of the GALS methodology. These make it easier for people to connect and to overcome tension, and can help people to mobilise against inequality. Below you will find some examples of this from Western Uganda captured by Linda Mayoux.

GALS Champions from Mbinga, Tanzania at a workshop organised by Coffee Marketing Services (CMS) and Hivos sing a song they have written about the Vision Journey. video by Linda Mayoux
GALS Champions from Mbinga, Tanzania at a workshop organised by Coffee Marketing Services (CMS) and Hivos sing a song they have written about the Gender Balance Tree. By Linda Mayoux.
Sagadi Nelson. Short clip of a song during a GALS catalyst workshop in New Home Network in Western Uganda, illustrating the role of songs in engaging new people in a change process.
GALS peer sharing: woman power! Short clip of a role play about GALS peer learning to change gender relations in a polygamous family.


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