Videos - HHM/GALS (E@S Supported Files)
- Having a vision – GALS in Zimbabwe
- Gender Justice Review – instruction video’s GALS
- Examples how people in Western Uganda use GALS tools
- Fun for a purpose: examples from Western Uganda (songs and roles plays)
- Changing gender relations in Vietnam – GALS in 4 provinces.
- Gender roadmaps in Cambodia
- Paulina and Helena’s story of change (Western Uganda)
- Steps of the Social Empowerment Map
- The story of Jane and Moses from Western Uganda
- The story of Elisa and David
- Mapping the road to change. Action learning for gender justice in Western Uganda
- Equal Power, Better Life in Cambodia
- Empowerment Learning Centres (ELCs) in Uganda
- Certification of champions – Uganda
- Meru ELC – Criteria for ELC certification
- GALS and Youth in Uganda – Testimonies from the field
- FALS in VSLAs in Nigeria – Testimonies from the field