This Global community brings together GALS champions, facilitators, supporters and people looking... View more
Welcome to the GLOBAL Empower@scale group!
Welcome to the GLOBAL Empower@scale group!
Dear GALS practitioners, facilitators, supporters and those looking for GALS expertise or information.
Welcome to the GLOBAL Empower@scale group! This group enables people with GALS expertise globally to connect with each other, and with people who are looking for GALS expertise. We welcome all of you to join this group and start interacting.
· When you are looking for a GALS expert or a place where you can meet with GALS champions in a community, you can start a “discussion” explaining what you are looking for, so that people can react.
· When you want to share an experience with GALS, please use either the discussion or the “document” or “photo” section.
· When you have a question about GALS, for example how to apply the principles, please use the “discussion” section.
Please use this group if you are not part of Eastern Africa or Western Africa. If you are part of one of those regions, please join your respective regional group.
Best regards,
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